
Types in MathNet.Filtering.DataSources

Type SinusoidalSource

Namespace MathNet.Filtering.DataSources

Interfaces IChannelSource

Sinus sample source.


Static Functions



Public Constructors

SinusoidalSource(double samplingRate, double frequency, double amplitude, double phase, double mean, int delay)

Create a new on-demand sinus sample source with the given parameters.

SinusoidalSource(double samplingRate, double frequency, double amplitude)

Create a new on-demand sinus sample source with the given parameters an zero phase and mean.

Public Static Functions

IChannelSource Precompute(int samplesPerPeriod, double amplitude, double phase)

Creates a precomputed sinus sample source with the given parameters and zero mean.

IChannelSource Precompute(int samplesPerPeriod, double amplitude)

Creates a precomputed sinus sample source with the given parameters and zero phase and mean.

Public Methods

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

double ReadNextSample()

Computes and returns the next sample.

string ToString()

Public Properties

int Delay get;

Sample delay of this source in relation to the whole system.