
Types in MathNet.Filtering.DataSources

Type StableNoiseSource

Namespace MathNet.Filtering.DataSources

Interfaces IChannelSource

Sample source with skew alpha stable distributed samples.




Public Constructors

StableNoiseSource(Random uniformWhiteRandomSource, double location, double scale, double exponent, double skewness)

Create a skew alpha stable noise source.
Random uniformWhiteRandomSource

Uniform white random source.

double location

mu-parameter of the stable distribution

double scale

c-parameter of the stable distribution

double exponent

alpha-parameter of the stable distribution

double skewness

beta-parameter of the stable distribution

StableNoiseSource(double location, double scale, double exponent, double skewness)

Create a skew alpha stable noise source.
double location

mu-parameter of the stable distribution

double scale

c-parameter of the stable distribution

double exponent

alpha-parameter of the stable distribution

double skewness

beta-parameter of the stable distribution

StableNoiseSource(double exponent, double skewness)

Create a skew alpha stable noise source.
double exponent

alpha-parameter of the stable distribution

double skewness

beta-parameter of the stable distribution

Public Methods

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

Type GetType()

double ReadNextSample()

Computes and returns the next sample.

string ToString()

Public Properties

int Delay get;

Sample delay of this source in relation to the whole system. Constant Zero.